Its no surprise
that 85% of high school graduates have no idea what to do
after high school but the interesting and unfortunate parallel
is that 86% of working adults feel like they are in the wrong
job. The obvious parallel cannot be ignored: Those who leave
high school without a career plan often becomes dissatisfied
working adults. STRIVE For Students is here to help educators'
help students define an ideal career field and give them the
essential tools to obtain career success and satisfaction.

Our signature program is our three-day Work Readiness Training. Using the US Department of Labor's WIA Work Readiness Training model to meet or exceed skill attainment performance standards for common measures, program participants learn:
- SKILL 1: Make Career Decisions
- SKILL 2: Use Labor Market Information
- SKILL 3: Prepare a Résumé
- SKILL 4: Complete an Application
- SKILL 5: Complete Mock Interview & Write Follow Up Letters
- SKILL 6: Use Daily Survival and Life Skills
Day One:
- WIA pre-assessment
- Career self assessment and making career decisions
- Filling out an application
- Preparing a résumés
Day Two:
- Using the Internet for career exploration and labor market information
- Job search skills
- How to prepare and interview for a job
- Budgeting, money management and basic life skills
- Career planning and goal setting
Day Three
- One-on-one mock interviews
- WIA post-assessment
Clients Receive:
- Completer's report with skill attainment record and required documentation for each program participant
- Electronic copy of particpants Skill Attainment Record

People want jobs! Once program participants have been through our training, they want to use the new skills they've learned and they want to get a job! So we've come up with a way to help your participants get a job by bringing a Career Fair to You! You supply the location and we'll make all of the other arrangements. It's a easy as it sounds:
- We contact on and off reservation employers
- We confirm employer CareerFair exhibitors
- We oversee event details and arrive the day before to facilitate your CareerFair
- CareerFair is open to WRT program participants in the morning and community members in the afternoon
We are judged by how we present ourselves, potential employers decide within 30 seconds if they "like" us, how we look has a huge impact on that judgment and decision.We not only teach your program participants how to successfully dress for the workplace we take them shopping for two career outfits. During this two-day program, participants will:
- Women attend day one and men attend day two.
- Morning session: Strategies for successful workplace dress, what NOT to wear and what to wear to make a positive impression on the interviewer.
- Afternoon session: Using a pre-loaded Visa® gift card, provided by client, program participants travel to local retailers to shop for two work outfits and shoes.
- We contact local retailers prior to this class to make arrangements for shopping trips and discounts.
Remember the old saying.Have a plan and work your plan? At Strive For Students when we bring this Work Readiness program to your facility we start with a plan to organize how to start and maintain a successful job search. In this full-day class, participants receive tools that help them succeed in organizing their job search with these tools:
- Job Search Organizer - Our organizer is packed with helpful tips on applications, rèsumès, interviewing and building a professional career network.
- Contact Information Notebook - This is the ultimate tool that will have a huge impact on job search success. Using this tool ensures that when an employer calls you're ready! Participants actually create this tool during the workshop.
- Business Card Rèsumè - As they say dynamite comes in small packages, this little tool make a BIG difference. Use this miniature rèsumès to get the word out that you're looking for work. Participants not only learn how to create a Business Card Rèsumès but develop and print cards to use for their job search.
Know the code. The code of ethics! Some call it employability skills, we call it manners in the workplace. Program participants will learn the in's and out's of ethics and etiquette in the workplace. Knowing what to do in work situations greatly impacts our ability for promotions and moving up the corporate ladder. In this full-day class, participants learn:
- About appropriate and inappropriate behavior in the workplace.
- How to become an ideal employee and team player.
- How to stay out of trouble and what to do in difficult situations.
- How to turn negative situations in to positive ones.
It's not what you know, it's who you know! Program participants learn how to build a successful and workable professional, career network. They will learn how to build, track and use their new network to help them find a career and then to find a mentor as they advance in their career. In this full-day class, participants learn:
- About professional and social networking
- How to use a professional career network for your job search.
- How to find a career mentor.
- How to build a network of over 5,000 people in five minutes.
- To play The Networking Game to polish new skills.
We've found that about 30% of our program participants don't have computer skills! Whether you're a beginner or need a refresher course, this is a great program for the basics. This half-day class provides training for a variety of beginning computer skills, including:
- Basic computer operation
- Word processing and how to use MS-Word
- Keyboarding with detailed practice
This workshop
puts it all together - with career planning and goal setting.
Once students
identify a chosen career field including the mechanics of
getting, building, and keeping a successful career they'll
need a game plan, and CareerMapping© does just that!
Participants in this program create an individual Career DreamBook©,
which teaches students the power of identifying, creating,
visualizing and achieving goals.
Dream Circles for Success
through team collaboration
What is a
Dream Circle?
A Dream Circle is any group of people who make a commitment
to meet on a regular basis with the intent of helping one
achieve their dreams and goals.
Why use Dream
1. To empower teams to achieve their personal and professional
goals through the dynamic concept of collaborative achievement.
2. To illustrate the value of using trust to build strong
working relationships that create win-win scenarios.
3. To recognize and eliminate destructive behaviors that often
jeopardize team success.
4. To remind teams that that having fun produces more positive
results and successful outcomes.
5. To provide a safe and trusting environment from which to
Kahv’yoo Spirit
Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Adventure -- Brochure
Other Workshops
Finding Your CPZ - (Career Passion Zone)
Career Success Skills:
· Assessment, finding your career passion zone.
· What's your TIP Style?
· Development, learning to use the skills you'll need
to be successful in the job market.
· Exploration, knowing how to use the available resources
for career success.
· Planning, mapping out a successful plan for career
success. Life Success Skills:
· The DreamBuilder Workshop. Discover how to make your
dreams come true.
· Basic life skills, gain the knowledge to successfully
rent an apartment, buy a car, plan a menu and grocery shop.
· Beginning financial living skills, learning how to
manage financial responsibilities, like budgeting, maintaining
a checking account, paying bills and establishing and managing
· Advanced financial living skills, discover how to
make your money work for you through saving and financial
investing. Learn how to successfully plan for your financial
· Cultural diversity and appreciation, learn about
different cultures, how to respect differences and become
comfortable with anyone.
· Interpersonal effectiveness, learn the fine art of
social skills, from simple, basic conversations to dealing
with difficult situations and people.
· Leadership and decision making, become skilled at
the process of decision making and knowing what to do when
you're not sure what to do. Fast-Paced,
interesting, interactive programs!
Bringing Fun Back to the Workplace: Fun and highly interactive, great for managers, this program asks managers tough questions and highlights their responsibility as role models and building better workforces.
Using Dream Circles for Organizational Success: Using the concepts from Dream Circles, How to Make Your Dreams Come True Through the Power of Sharing, attendees learn how to build stronger teams committed to helping each other to succeed, knowing that by helping others we ultimately help ourselves. Each attendee receives a Leader’s DreamBook©. Recommended: Each member receive a copy of Dream Circles, How to Make Your Dreams Come True Through the Power of Sharing.
Finding Your Purpose in Life: Attendees take a look at the 20 questions that can change their life. Focusing on values, interests and fun “what if…” questions. Attendees learn why they are here and what that means to them. Each attendee receives a handout and workbook to take home for further review and exploration.
IDEAS for Issues in the Workplace: IDEAS is an acronym that stands for Identify, Define, Evaluate, Address and Strategize, which attendees learn to use in dealing with conflict and conflict resolution in the workplace.
Awesome Customer Service and Building Strong Relationships: Using the Essential Customer Service Flow Chart attendees learn how to satisfy customers (internal and external) every time, plus how to successfully use the Three “C’s” of Excellent Communications.
The DreamBuilder© Workshop: Each attendee will create a Master Dream List and build a personal DreamMap© from their Master Dream List. Caution! Attendees will use colored markers, scissors and glue…Each attendee receives a personal three-ring binder, DreamBook©.
Understanding the Dynamics of Team Communications: Attendees take the Managing For Success (MFS) DiSC Assessment on-line prior to attending this workshop. During the workshop they look at their assessment and what it means to their management style. Managers are shown how to use and understand their behavioral style to manage more effectively. Managers can pre-order the MFS for their staff and schedule a follow up workshop for their team. Informational handouts to take back to staff will be available.
Using Trust to Build Strong Teams: Trust does not come without first being earned. Attendees will have an opportunity to re-discover what trust really means to them, take what they learn and apply it to the workplace. Trust is the most important element in strong, healthy relationships … this is a must for teams struggling with new leadership, or wavering moral.
Building Your Authentic Self: Attendees get an authentic-self tool box and the materials to build a their “life house,” which represents all the essential elements of understanding their authentic self, plus reconnect to what they need and want to feel and perform authentically.
What’s Your Color at Work?: Ever wonder why some colors make you feel good, while others make you jumpy, or sad? There is a psychology to how color effects us at home and at work. In this program learn about how color effects work effectiveness, plus your team will take the What’s Your Color at Work assessment, which will help them to discover the Work Color Personality at how it impacts their work and team effectiveness.
Back to Basics - Project Management: Get back to basics with this dynamic workshop that walks you through the process of managing any project, large or small. For a multiple day program, take an actual project and create a working plan you can use when you return to the office.
The Games Managers Should Play: Let’s plan a “play date.” This workshop is fun and completely interactive. Attendees participate in a game/s that demonstrates how to build strong teams. Attendees receive a handout with ideas and activities for team building, break out in to teams, select a team coach --- complete with coach’s gear (coach t-shirt, hat, whistle and clip board)! You can plan one Play - N - Learn session or several!